Just the FAQs


Q. When arpeggiating by holding my fingers on more than one cell, the gate only fires once. Is this normal?
The gate is on as long as a finger is touching the pads. It also retriggers if triggered via the arrow advance jacks.

Q. In pitch quantize mode should the CV values for the right side and left side be different?
Yes, in pitch quantize mode the left side is tuned 2 octaves / 2V lower than the right. This is to make it easier to create separate bass and lead lines. In free mode, both sides are the same.


Q. One voice (chip) sounds significantly louder than the other. Is this normal?
This can occur depending on many variables. Some waveforms naturally sound louder than others. Also check the filter cutoff and width controls. Both of these can have an effect of attenuation.

Q. There are pops, clicks, and other artifacts in the sound. Is this normal?
Yes, it’s a feature! Chipz is supposed to be dirty and full of attitude.

Q. Pitch wavers sometimes and can be unstable. Is this normal?
Yes, Chipz is supposed to be unstable (just like its creators).

Q: Weird stuff happens when I send CV from X module to chipz. 
A: Are you sending negative voltages? Chipz was designed to handle exclusively positive unipolar CV.

But when we discovered the circuit could be bent with negative CV we adopted it as a feature!

East Beast

Q. Is there a user guide for East Beast?
Yes, you can find it here

Q. How do I change the East Beast’s octave range when using an external MIDI controller?
Incoming MIDI notes can be shifted up and down within a 5 octave range. Press [Blue Edit Mode : Octave Up Button] to shift notes up 1 octave and [Blue Edit Mode : Octave Down Button] to shift notes down 1 octave.


Q. Is there a user guide for NiftyCASE?
Yes, you can find it here also be sure to check out this video

Q. Is the out mono or stereo?
It’s mono ts, 6.35mm / 1/4"

Q. What size screws are these?

Q. Is the out balanced or unbalanced?
It’s unbalanced (just like us)

Q. NiftyCASE is not showing up on my Mac with USB C when using with a 3rd party adapter/dongle… What’s up with that?
We’ve discovered that not all USB C hubs and adapters are created equal. Apple branded ones do seem to work consistently.

Q. The output on the rear of the NiftyCASE is very high is this normal?
The rear output simply passes the level input from the “to-out” on the case. It doesn’t attenuate the signal at all. If the level is too high you should consider adding a VCA, mixer, or other changes to bring down the signal level prior to plugging into “to-out”

Q. I’d like to add more than 10 modules to NiftyCASE! Is this possible?
Yes you can add an additional flying bus board cable to NiftyCase’s flying bus

Q. My windows computer is not detecting NiftyCase. What can I do?
A. Please look for Cre8audioNiftyCASE in your windows device manager. If it appears in the "Unknown devices" tree with an “!” icon, please right click and uninstall. Unplug the USB and plug it back in again to refresh the driver. Cre8audioNiftyCASE should now appear as an audio device. Please Note: No drivers are required.

Q. My older MacBook is not detecting NiftyCase. What should I do?
A. We have found that some older MacBooks (specifically i7 processor-equipped from around 2012) need a powered USB hub to operate with NiftyCASE.

Q. Will NiftyCASE make me some pizza?
Sadly no.


Q. Is there a user guide for NiftyKEYZ?
Yes, you can find it here

West Pest

Q. Is there a user guide for West Pest?
Yes, you can find it here

Q. How do I change the West Pest’s octave range when using an external MIDI controller?
Incoming MIDI notes can be shifted up and down within a 5 octave range. Press [White Edit Mode : Octave Up Button] to shift notes up 1 octave and [White Edit Mode : Octave Down Button] to shift notes down 1 octave.